Nervous is the Name

by PoeticJustice   Jan 30, 2008

Tense, as well as Anxious,
Thoughts and Dreams of the unknown
Cold sweats and Hot sweats
As the Chill creeps inside your bones.

Exited but feeling Scared
You try to figure out whats next
Your mind races and you heart beats
As to burst right out of you chest.

Confused but somewhat Hopeful
You feel your mind start to play a game
Your knees buckle and hands tremble
This emotion that youre feeling, Nervous is the Name.


the 1st line in each stanza are feelings
2nd line is whats going on in your head
3rd is how your body is reacting
4th has no pattern.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Anne Garcia

    Wow I like that. Looks so cool! lol like a little guideline.

  • 17 years ago

    by Liz

    Oooooh. I LOVE THIS!! You don't know how much I missed reading your stuff. And this is just amazing! I absolutely love it. 5/5

    ` Liz =]