Walks The Halls Alone

by Silent Angel   Jan 31, 2008

A simple girl whos pain unkown,
she simply walks the halls alone.
The halls which she walk are quite at peace
the noises to be heard are silent with grief.
The tears which shatter on the floor beneath,
the coldness and sadness she shutters without ease.
Pain falls deep and is showed not at all,
She wants to pick up the phone and call.
But she knows the love he had was none at all.
The boy walks by with a simple stare,
knowing the pain he caused with just a glare.
He shows no grief, no sorrow, no care,
Not even the knowledge that shes even there.
But how can you walk by without a word,
You know she wants to speak, but wont let her be heard.
She blames herself and wonders WHY,
but the only thing she knows to do is cry.
All day long, the memories flow,
but then the pain will only grow.
That girl now in her room at home,
is the simple girl who walks ALONE.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Angel

    It was in the beggining of this school year, now, im fine

  • 17 years ago

    by Blah Blah Blahhhh

    This is good... is this about you though?

  • 17 years ago

    by Kate Hicks

    Another very good poem. The rhythm was a little irratic but everything else was great. 5/5