Voices of the imperfect

by Mike   Jan 31, 2008

Voices of the imperfect.

Whats the use of voices
If its not to tell
If its not to express
What is truly felt?

They are everywhere
But it is hard to find
In the mist of all fakery
Of those of lies and deceives
To impress rather to express
Striped of all originality
From all self dignity
Just to please
The other voices
That have a stand
So they can share the radiance of
Their shining light
Never ever knowing
What it is like
To be true to one's self

Die in hatred all ye fools
Because you have never
And will never
Come close to know
What you truly feel
And what you stand for

Sad is the day
When you sell all your beloved away
Because you cannot express
What your truly feel
And cause the wellbeing suffering
Of those trapped in the ring
Those who want to come out
But because of your weakness
You bind and enslave them together
Just to get your little share of the main light

Its not your fault
Its never your fault
Its just your weakness
Others will understand
They will have to accept the way you are
As they fall from the skies
With broken wings you tore
Bits by bits
Because of your imperfect soul

Lo and behold
As these fallen angels
Are drawn slowly to your imperfectness
And will come
To ye
They are coming
They are coming slowly
Reaching out with their hands
And broken wings
Which you have tore from their wings
the devils
they come
covering you
as you scream
and scream
and scream
and scream
and scream
and beg
and beg
and you kneel
in you imperfectness
and beg
for pardon
and that you cant help it

Lo and behold
It has begun
And its hunger
And feasting
Deep from the inside
Of your darken soul
Tormented and thorn
You stand alone.

1:29 PM 1/31/2008


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  • 16 years ago

    by Mike


    thanks ;)

  • 16 years ago

    by hannah

    Like it! especially the ending. it's a long poem, but you keep me reading :) xx