Comments : Dead to you

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Wow, I love this poem!

    Darkness covers my crying heart
    Mind concealed in a raging cloud
    Life are not as they where in the start
    Every part of my body cries out loud

    That stanza was amazing, I loved your flow and your emotion was so powerful! Great choice of words. You explain your feelings so clearly!


  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace


    "Life was once lighten by happiness"
    i think it would sound better as
    "Life was once lit by happiness"

    "Life are not as they where in the start"
    change to
    "Life is not what it was at the start"
    i believe that is the correct grammar

    "To walk on glass with bleeding feet
    To cross the skies with broken wings
    To swim an infinite ocean of flames
    This is living, all those painful things"

    the way that stanza flowed, was amazing. I actually went and read this over and over after i finished the poem!

    "Darkness has become a way of living
    Emotions are dead
    Shattered heart is now bleeding
    All life powers are leaving instead"

    I think the second line in this is too short, compared to how the poem has been written. maybe think about changing it to something like
    "Darkness has become a way of living
    Emotions seem to be dead
    Shattered heart is now bleeding
    All life powers are leaving instead"

    these are just my thoughts, and the way i percieve the poem. All writers see things differently.
    but i hope i could have helped.


  • 17 years ago

    by XxToWriteLoveOnHerWristxX

    Nice poetry. i like this poem it's kinda like ones i wright. i like the part of
    "To walk on glass with bleeding feet
    To cross the skies with broken wings
    To swim an infinite ocean of flames
    This is living, all those painful things"

    amazing and i love it. 5/5 !props!

  • 17 years ago

    by Abu3li

    In your poem, I lived the pain i'm feeling again and again.

    i'm related to it in al lways.

    the flow and words are amazing

    keep it up

    good luck

  • 17 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    WOW... this is amazing... i think i might have mommented this befor, by this is for the comment chain, and i LOVE this poem... WOW i can't think of anything else to say... perfect flow by the way, i really loved the wording, this piece is so powerful, and heartfelt, i can feel the pain, truely amazing... 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Beautiful, this was an amazing write. Your choice of words were so powerful, and everyy line captures the reader! Simply amazing!

  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    Wow! such emotions carved in every stanza... damn!
    my fav stanza is:
    "To walk on glass with bleeding feet
    To cross the skies with broken wings
    To swim an infinite ocean of flames
    This is living, all those painful things"

    damn.. original detailed descriptions! great poem! =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Really very well written. So meaningful and deep.

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Life was once lit by happiness
    Days were always so bright back then
    I remember those unrealistic days
    Now it seems I'm empty again
    ^so easy for me to lose myself in this stanza because I could truly relate with what you said ... beautifully written!

    "To walk on glass with bleeding feet
    To cross the skies with broken wings
    To swim an infinite ocean of flames"
    ^WOW.... that was so unique and unlike anything I've read in a while.... flawless use of imagery.

    This has to be my fave from the two ... it was heartbreakingly wonderful. Well done *5/5*

  • Wow, this poem left me completely breathless. It has so much feeling in it. The flow was just amazing. The wording was absolutely amazing. Great job!


  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    This was an amazing write. :] i absolutely loved it all. And I can't pick a -favorite- stanza because I liked them all so much! lol. This was beautiful and very nicely written. It all flowed so well and everything just. .fit, you know. Anyway. amazing job .5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    You managed to show your feelings with kinda 'sharp' methaphors so it very strong

    your poem is full of thorough images like "the ocean of flames",

    but i've noticed the last stanza is not like all the others. it could be something like:

    Meeting you has made me blind and weak
    It's the reason I can't stand tall
    And of the tears falling with every blink.
    Please leave me alone, and let me fall

    but of course it's just my opinion :)

  • 17 years ago

    by DeathlyAmore

    You know, love is so painful. Seems like every time you get in a relationship, it ends in a way you did not expect it to end, or at least not the way you wanted it to. Love, a dangerous, dangerous, and weary road. I say this so many times, and I will say it again. There is no cure for heartbreak. I really wish there was though.

    You know, this poem reminded me of my past relationships. Where, I really thought that "they" were the once. Where, I really thought like a fool "This is it, this is the real thing". To find out by the end that is was just some... teenage adolescent infatuation you know?

    I mean, what do you do about it? I remember how I felt. Just like your poem. I felt the dwelling darkness of my abysmal emotions get the best of me. I felt like the swimming oceans, infinite oceans of fire. That was my life, my world.

    You captured my eyes, my imagination, my past memories. You called out to me in this poem. You really did, and the best part? Is that I sensed all that emotions that was once thought forgotten, remembered.

    It all came back to me, whether that is a good thing, or not. You actually did it, and that left me very impressed. I really did feel the poem. I really did.


  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    I enjoyed reading this very very much. It was very emotional. The flow of off just a little tiny it, but the rhymes were superb. Everything rhymed just perfect. :]

    To walk on glass with bleeding feet
    To cross the skies with broken wings
    To swim an infinite ocean of flames
    This is living, all those painful things
    ^^Favorite stanza! :]

    Please leave me alone, and let me fall
    ^^Loved that line too.

    Cayce xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Very well written.... amazing... keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    Another amazing poem! I am highly impressed with your work. It is very detailed and you have an excellent description too. Very vivid in everything. I must say that the fourth stanza was definitely my favorite. [:

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    This is a sad one. But I still liked it. Another 5/5 =D