True Friend

by Kara Phamous   Jan 31, 2008

I saw a flower in the grass
i picked it up and thought real fast
i thought of you and how kind you are
i thought of you and your gentle ways
this rose reminded me of you
and i had to bring it right away
but then i picked my finger upon a thorn
and laid there in the grass and when i awoke
to my surprise i saw you there by my side
then i realized with out a doubt your my true friend
innocent and beautiful
an angel from heaven sent to help me through

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  • 15 years ago

    by Chicken Soup

    Coo write, you good wit friends I bet ^.^ Keep it swinging

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Interesting poem. I have never written a poem like this one, so i congradgulate you on this. hope you have time to read mine, if nbot I'll still read yours.

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