All of us need a little bit of Solitude
When no one can, into our time, intrude.
It's the time when our thoughts turn inward
And our imagination takes wings like a bird.
It's the time we can review our own thoughts
It's the time we can strengthen our hearts.
It's the time we can focus our attention
Perhaps, on total internal reflection!
It's the time we need to stop the run of the mill.
It's the time when time is forced to seem still.
It's the time we need to regroup all our energy
It's the time we need to just float in lethargy.
Solitude could either be imposed or of our own choice.
It helps us mould ourselves in tune with our inner voice.
Solitude, if utilized well, gives us a sense of direction.
It helps our untapped capabilities to be set into motion.
Loneliness seems to have been injected into my bone.
What can I do? That's the path that God has shown.
Ever since I lost my sister, I have been alone.
There were times when I wished I at least had a clone.
When solitude is imposed by God,
It really strikes a melancholic chord.
You cannot do much but play the mouth organ or the flute
In a desperate attempt to solitude refute.