Blackened Lungs And A Broken Heart

by ABake   Feb 2, 2008

One to many frustrating moments, now we're through,
I don't exactly know what to do next, I'm paralyzed-
Everything we have built has just been burnt down,
Insurance doesn't cover lost love and baby I'm broke;
If you hurt at all you haven't bothered to show it,
Truth is, the more you smile the less I want to live...

I feel like a fool staring at this paper as words form-
It's laughing in my face as I wonder what is so funny,
I keep writing and the emotions continue to build;
I'm not sure if it's the ringing in my ears or what but-
No sense of hearing seems to be a tad bit impaired,
You would know how to fix that but sweetie your gone...

I'd ask for another chance but I've run out of lives;
If only you would tell me you love me one last time...
Sigh after sigh the stars seem to be growing more dim-
My eye lids slowly close but all I can see is your face,
I no longer dream of pretty rainbows and butterflies-
But of depressive broken hearts and blackened lungs...

You get goosebumps when your soul mate touches you,
I always thought I was just cold, I guess I was wrong;
I blew what we always called us, now it is just me-
You're out there and I am here slowly falling apart...
I have a question, what happened to our fairytale?
We can't end it now, what kind of book would that be?

I have more questions than answers and it hurts babe...
You walked away and I finally broke: I'm shattered.
I should of known I would ruin it, all we had is gone,
Just a kindle of a flame remains, so what to do now?
Silence answers me because you are truly gone-
I can't hear the wind, just the heaving I call breathing.



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  • 17 years ago

    by Lance



  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    This poem is seriosuly one of the most amazing poems I've ever read in my life. The title, again, drew me in, but the read itself was just. .WOW. The emotions were so deep, so intense, I began to tear up! And lately, poems haven't been able to keep my interest, I don't know why. BUT this poem was like. :O WOAH-MY-GOSH-ah-mazing! This poem's going into my favorites! 45676798/5. [lol]

  • 17 years ago

    by Teria


    " One to many " ::: too*
    " but sweetie your gone... " ::: you're*

    OMG! I loved this Amber, you have no idea. It's perfect, with TWO mistakes. There were a few places that could have used commas but were not needed. But, oh my gosh. It's one of my favorites by you. even though I've not stayed caught up, I think it's up in the top 5. x]

    You have so much talent, babe.
    I hope you continue to use it over and over and over and over.

  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    Aww this was realli sad.
    this was realli deep and touching

    this was my fave bit
    "You get goosebumps when your soul mate touches you,
    I always thought I was just cold, I guess I was wrong;
    I blew what we always called us, now it is just me-
    You're out there and I am here slowly falling apart...
    5/5 keep it up xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    I really like this, the words are witty and clever yet portray your sadness perfectly, my favourite line was

    Insurance doesn't cover lost love and baby I'm broke

    my only criticism is the first line it should be "too" instead of "to"