Innocent Child;

by Krystal   Feb 2, 2008

Untouched by the worlds evils;
Unharmed by the worlds wrongs;
He lay with his eyes open, humming his song.
He laughs and plays and dreams of sweets,
He's innocence itself; Evils defeat.

He cries sometimes when he sees others tears,
He's a pure simple child who has no fears.
He dances and giggles while he spreads his joy,
He can make children stop crying without any toys.

He's oblivious to all the pain and greed,
He's happiness and love all bundled and freed.
His eyes do not notice the worlds hurtful flaws,
He runs through life with only one pause.

His eyes are alit with joy and delight,
Life is his adventure rather than a fight.
His playful grin is there till the end,
But his happiness lives on with each of his friends.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Harutan

    Very well done, another great!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Bianca

    This poem is beautifully written and i absolutely love it. Keep up the good writing.

  • 17 years ago


    Wow wow that was so touchin i loved it 5/5!