Cold Waters

by jessel jane   Feb 2, 2008

Cold waters rushed down through her;
Hurting...stabbing...filling her in.
She shivered - then felt her body numb.
How good it felt to hurt that way...
where words are lost,
there's no much more to say;
Feeling the waters through her skin
to soothe the pain inside.
Hurting more to forget the wound she hide.
Hurting until there's no vainer than vain...
hurting more to ease the inner pain.
Tears rolled down unnoticed-
as she sat there all alone;
Waiting, always waiting...
for her body to get drowned.
But time seems to play a game with her,
and torment never seem to end.
Strong web of time gleamed clearer,
how she badly need a friend.
But it's better to hurt that way...
where words are lost,
there's nothing left to say.
She let the time slowly pass by...
'the petals shall fall and the water shall flow',
she never had the time to question why.
Minutes rolled like drops of water;
Time wheeled like a touch of forever.
Still, she let the time to slowly pass by...
'the petals shall fall and the water shall flow',
she never had the time to say goodbye.
Yet, her body betrayed her,
So she stood up.
And then for a moment later...
blood flowed like the cold waters.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Katelyn

    This one has a very very powerful ending. i loved how u related alot of the stuff to the flowing cold water. it was a great connection u made and that the readers make wen they get to read it. i think i liked this one so much because it didn't really have a real central flow 2 it yet it still kept u wanting 2 finish every line and poems that can do that with ryme every line or flow thru the whole thing are definately works of art. 5/5. keep it!!!
