Just a Sister

by Alexa Eudis   Feb 2, 2008

What hurts the most is when you love someone,
when that person loves you back,
you think all is well,
but then you hear it,
the six words that deliver a devastating blow,
"she's like a sister to me."

the tears gather,
threatening to spill over,
but you fight them back,
you can't let him see the pain.

i wish i could say that i hate him,
and that i wish we'd never met,
but that would be a lie,
because even though im suffering,
he really is worth it.
id rather live in constant pain
than ever have to live without him.

he may have hurt me badly,
the worst ive ever been hurt,
but feelings that strong
cant be chased away,
not even by six words,
not even the six words
that are the cause of my


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  • 17 years ago

    by Im not broken anymore

    Cant really say i relate cause this has never happened to me but good job i really like this..

  • 17 years ago

    by I Rita Valentine I

    Wow...x.x...all i can say iz wow..well not exactly i can compare to that more that any1 can no >< sad that happens to people (includine me) cause once they hear it it's they they just got hit with the atom bomb but anyhowz great poem loved it so glad u wrote it!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Paige Lea


    this is really sad

    but it's good to express yourself this way


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