Look Up

by Molly May   Feb 3, 2008

The world's eyes are cruel
Burning our every move
Slashing our every word
Forcing us into molds we could never fit

They pull us under without warning
Cinder blocks tied to our ankles
They drown us in our shame

Our lungs begin to collapse
The air squeezed out like the last bit of
Toothpaste from a tube.

We're frantic and
Flapping our arms trying to rise again
But we have reached bottom

The world has planted us with those of
Dying heart
Ours is slowly transforming
Becoming one with the other plagues
Floating on the bottom of the

But why do we give them credit?

The cinder blocks are not our captors
The air in our lungs has not left
Our hearts are not dying and
The ocean is just a figure of speech

The world's eyes may be cruel
But ours are soft and kind
We look at life and see the beauty

Quiet waters
Busy bees
Dancing flowers and
Walking trees

Just because a storm has arose
Doesn't mean it's here to stay
The sun will peek through
Slipping us a bit of warm life

This is the time to grasp it
Hang on and never let go

The storm will quickly pass
But while it's here don't begin to
That is what the world wants you to do

You'll begin to let go of the sun
Falling into the ocean

Down to the bottom you'll fall
Drowning your heart in self pity

The ocean can only swell as much as
We let it
So draw up
Pull in
Remember the times we've had

The days of laying in the grass
Dreaming to our hearts desire
No one telling us no
No one telling us to stop
Our dreams excluded those kind of people
There's no need for them
Nor is there a need for our fears

Take a step back
Lift your head up
Soak in the size of the sky
There's something up there
More than words can describe

We are his ocean
Small and insignificant

So when you feel the storm closing in
The clouds forming a cage
Just look up
Past the the present
Beyond the fears
Look higher than you've ever looked before

Look to the sky
It's vastness is overwhelming
This ocean can not compare
So why should we care what it thinks?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gale

    This is my favorite of yours.