Comments : All Words Begin With The Same Letter.

  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Wow! Oh wow, I am impressed again, you are so talented, this one is also so creative and inspiring poem.
    Repetition of second line on the end made this piece more compact and less random, I love random things but still that line was truly great cause it make whole poem to look like one picture.
    I must say that you put me in awe, I once wanted to write something similar like this but it didn't worked out so I congrats you on writing this masterpiece.
    Your word choice is simply outstanding! Bravo.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    I like this. I seem to remeber using the letter 'w' for one a while back.

    p.s you could change 'worm' for bug, or perhaps beatle or even beasty?