Comments : Days Plunged in Innocence

  • 16 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I adored this piece, Truely. You know lately i've found myself checking my favorite authors to see when you've written a new poem. I've fallen for this style of yours deeply again I can't express how much emotion it portrayed. I felt this one, More then most of the poems i've read in a long while. Truely another beautiful gem by you. Tammie, Make sure you keep writing. You've cheered me up today with this masterpiece. a 5/5 from me. As you do deserve it more then you'll ever know. =] ~Mel

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    WOW I just loved this title! It was soo unique and lured me in to read more. I just loved the words you used to paint such flawless imagery. I felt myself lost in your words and captivated in its beauty. This has to be my fave from all I read from you today. Overall amazing piece and thank you for your wonderful comments on my poems ... they mean a lot. *5/5*

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    This poem really made me think about my childhood, especially easter, because of this line: "Summer dresses and springtime smiles is perfection in some eyes". I guess it's because when I was little my mom always made me wear dresses on easter. Haha. You had fantastic imagrey, I could really picture certain parts in my head.

    Behind make up miracles and daytime disasters I am waiting... waiting

    ^^ I really liked the lasr part of this line where you repeated waiting twice. It really gets the point across to the reader.

    And I've caught myself talking in third person again, why is that?

    ^^ Love love LOVE that line. It let's the reader know you're really talking about yourself, and it's a question. I always love questions in poems.

    These days won't last much longer and I've got to stop looking forward,
    Before all I can do is look behind and wish for things I always saw beyond.

    ^^ Those two lines really make the ending stick out. Wonderful ending.

    Great job!

    Keep writing!