I Love you Baby

by Kara   May 17, 2004

I Love you baby I always have since the first time I layed eyes on you I never thought I would be the one but then my heart told me to go for it and ask you so I did you said yes I will never regret our love which I wont have to Cause we will be together forever! If I lost you I would fall down and die so please do not ever leave my side People so were so cute together but I wouldn't have to look in a mirror to know that You always say the sweetest things to me I'll love you forever and always so never leave me or I'll be crushed and just fall down and die!!!~~~***~~~ He He that is dedicated to my boyfriend Phil who I Love with all my heart! It isn't exactly a poem cause it don't rhyme but o well comment me and tell me what ya all think thanks! Phil I love you so much baby and never wanna lose you!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kara

    Hey every1 I am the person who wrote the I love you Baby poem or whatever! I hope you all like it cuz that's exactly how I feel with Phil!!! Please vote and comment! Thanx!!!

    ~*~Phil I love you so much baby never leave me!~*~ *~Kara~*