When my firends drink what happend(not real)

by peaunt   Feb 3, 2008

As the day comes to an end it is time to say goodbye
my friends say they do not want to say good bye
i have to go but they do not want me too.they are all drunk.i am not.
they ask me to get in the car with them.
i say no.
they ask why
i say it is because u are drunk
i call my mom and also her to pick me up
she does and my friends go home in the car
the next day i turn on the T.V at my house.
the news said there was a bad car crash and one person was alive out of them all
it was the driver
he was in the hospital
i was crying
because all of my friends had died excapt one
i when to the hospital to visit my friend
when i was there i ask him was it worth getting drunk to kill ur and mine Friends.
he said nothing
later that day he also died
but before he did i asked him
what if u did not get in that car u would still be here today.
he knew he was dieding
in the end it happened
all my friends are dead why should i live
i said to my self because i have people who love me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    Very good. It tells of a story that is so true. I'm glad it's not of you...good job...5/5...xoxo