Warped Events

by Crystal   Feb 3, 2008

They stand there, circling me
A hint of immorality sparkles within there eyes
I know what's going to occur; I've seen it all before
But I stand blank and detached, unable to cry

I awaken and recognize it's happened again
That reoccurring dream with the usual, cynical end
It's not my imagination, the dream is non-fiction
A replay of a scene to explicit to mend

It pains me reminiscing about past events
I choose not to tell, the pain I keep locked away
Because not a soul wishes to hear another's sob story
And if I do not tell, it might fade away

My recollection of the story is so vivid and raw
Something that could instigate a plea of insanity
For the facts are so warped and remorseless
Never the less I'll try and act as normal as can be

I'll generate a safeguard around myself
A barred enclosure prepared with lying metal bars
"Yes I am fine, you don't need to worry"
Whilst I stroke these tender, buried scars.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    This is brilliant. I loved it. It's filled with so much imagery and emotion. Your flow was flawless also. This poem made me actually sit back and think. You have a wonderful talent. From reading this poem alone I can see that you're going places. There was only two very minor changes you need to make. First you need to add punctuation to the sentences where they're needed and you need to find another word to rhyme with away for the fourth stanza. But it's only a minor detail so don't fret. I must tell you again how much I loved this poem. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Jaime

    Wow. You write poems much older than you are.

    The one thing that seemed a little out of place to me was the third stanza where you rhymed 'away' with 'away'. It comes across as a little repetitive.

    I also just wanted to add that you have an amazing vocabulary compared to most young people, and I would advise you to hold on to that.

    Very nice poem; take care.

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