Girl in the Mirror

by SweeT pOisOn   Feb 3, 2008

You don't answer my calls,
You don't even call me back,
Why should I be the one?
Who has to make sure everybody is having fun?
Don't you know that she also has a life?
She has a heart that can break if you use your sharp knife,

She tried to be the good one all the time,
And in return, she's being pushed as if she did a crime.
She doesn't understand the meaning anymore,
Of happy, fun, smile, laugh with no tears to fall,
She has this scream inside her that she can't let out,
Everyone gets her wrong and turns to shout.

She doesn't want your pitty,
She doesn't need any of your sympathy.
Because she has hope,
And alone she will cope,
She can stand on her own between the ragest wolves,
She can pass this by herself through the roughest seas,

She has the will and the power,
But she lacks a red valentine's flower.
She has the heart and the love,
But she lacks the romantic dove.
She has the looks and the body,
But she lacks the love of somebody.

She has the status and the position,
But she lacks the perfect situation.
All I'm asking is not to make her feel her lacking,
As it really hurts every time it comes to her remembering,
She has a smile and it's her only mask,
But when you see her, don't try to ask.

Just help her move on and don't stand in the way,
Let her achieve something before she escapes far away.
I know her so well and I see her evryday,
Every time I look in the mirror, I see her wish to live in May!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    I like this poem. Overall I think it's really good :P You should write more! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by HOLYWOODbigshot

    This is actually a good poem because it talks about a lot of real life sh !t, like it compliments the quote;
    Lifes a B! tch.
    and the other one,
    no one said life would be easy, but no one told me to be prepared for it to be this hard.

    it shows that you put some time into this, and made it yours. theres a few things i would look to use different words, remember, poems aren't always about rymes.

    oox- steephie

  • 17 years ago

    by AJ

    Its good but kindof lengthy, you should try to break it into stanzas