Comments : Girl in the Mirror

  • 17 years ago

    by AJ

    Its good but kindof lengthy, you should try to break it into stanzas

  • 17 years ago

    by HOLYWOODbigshot

    This is actually a good poem because it talks about a lot of real life sh !t, like it compliments the quote;
    Lifes a B! tch.
    and the other one,
    no one said life would be easy, but no one told me to be prepared for it to be this hard.

    it shows that you put some time into this, and made it yours. theres a few things i would look to use different words, remember, poems aren't always about rymes.

    oox- steephie

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    I like this poem. Overall I think it's really good :P You should write more! 5/5