Game Over

by SweeT pOisOn   Feb 3, 2008

No one will do you what I've done for you,
No one will touch you like I've touched you,
No one will tell you the words I've told you.
But you are just too naive to see,
And you were never enough for me,
Now you just walk out and close the door,
And I erase your foot prints off my floor.

You think I will come and reach out for you,
But it won't happen, as you are no longer true,
And from today, we will forever be two.
Tearing your letters that tore my heart,
Smiling with satisfaction that we are apart.

Forgetting every memory shall be very easy,
Walking through this world bravely and not feeling guilty,
Throwing every piece of fiber that once belonged to you,
Calling up my friends to go out without you.
I am proud to finally know who you are,

I am wise to push you away and very far,
I shall not regret anything I've done,
As nothing was clear, it was all behind the sun.
I am sure you will never forget me,
As my company was never for free,

You will walk in this world wishing,
That I will give you again some loving,
But I will watch you as you are falling,
And in my mind I will be laughing.
There shall be no future generations from you,
As they will be corrupt and ultimately untrue.

But into this world I will bring,
Divisions of purity and to purity they shall sing,
You may think I gave up everything to you,
But I still retain myself and that's a fact against you.
I belong to my soul, and my soul belongs to the Lord,
And not to you, as it's something so valuable you cannot afford!


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  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Woow so damn cool,
    superb poem, everything was perfect in this poem; words,flow,rhyme and feelings too

    one of the best on its field, such anger such emotions i loved it alot

    keep writting

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Woah...I liked everythin bout it...yeah like what they said..flow was amazing..emotion was so powerful and clearly stated.....good job..5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Corey Singleton

    Nice words

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Wow, this is a very beautiful poem! Tons of emotion... the words chosen were great, and the flow was amazing! I really enjoyed this poem. 5/5