We are always gonna be there friends
no matter how hard to try
no matter how much feelings we have for them
they will always think we are just a friend
we help them when they are alone
we wipe there tears away when they start to cry
no matter what we do for them
they will always think of us as a friend
the smart seems to win
the wise seem to overcome those who don't think
the school letter grades seem to catch people eyes
An A plus is what they want from you
if your unwise, like me
you will find yourself in these shoes
wishing you were smart or good looking
wishing you found happiness with the dream girl you love
they look at your grades and how you think
and judge you from how deep your thoughts are
when they find your not smart
they leave you and say it's not meant to be
nobody seems to care about feelings
nobody seems to care about love anymore
it's all about smarts and good looking
it's all about rich and wise thinking
only the smart can stay
the unwise must leave
the smart seem to have a future
while the unwise was meant for broken hearts