
by Predictable Suicide   Feb 4, 2008

Why does life have to be so cruel at times

Is it to remind us that happiness is truly unreachable

Is it to remind us that no matter what we do

We will always end up with tears in our eyes

With our hearts aching

Our thoughts racing

Why are we our own worst enemy

We hurt ourselves more than others do

Comparing ourselves to someone we cant compare to

Not nearly as good enough as we wish to be

No matter how perfect we say we are

In reality we think the worst of ourselves

Why does life have to be so confusing

Just when you think you have found a solution

Something else seems to go wrong

Just when we think we have fixed the problem

Something else seems to breaks

Just when you think it has disappeared

Pain inches its way back in

The one thing we will never be safe from

We can never stay away from

Why does life have to be so full of surprises

Ones that you don't need

Ones you don't wish for or want

Ones that turn your thoughts upside down

Make your heart turn and beat like no other

Ones that become too significant

That you end up caring for too much

That you hoped you wouldn't care for at all

Ones that only hurt you

That make your life impossible to live

To make it so that you can hardly breath

You can hardly think

And when you do it becomes clouded

And no longer clear

Ones that make it hard to feel

And when you do

You cant tell what it is

And when you love

You don't know whether its true

Or just another lie

Life has thrown at your side

Why does life have to be so cruel at times


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    Yes you are right sometime life become really very cruel. What ever you have written very true. But their is secound side of life also. So please think possitive....

    keep smile.......

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