The Unseen

by SweeT pOisOn   Feb 4, 2008

I saw it in your eyes,
And my heart couldn't believe it was lies,
Even though she was standing with you,
We had this connection, only between me and you,

I heard it in your every word,
That my ears can't deny it heard.
I felt the distance when you touched my hand,
So close, yet slipping away rapidly like sand,

I turned around and walked away,
Knowing that to your heart there is only one way,
The only one way that i really know,
Which for it to happen, it's possibility is really low.

She loves you so dearly, and you know it,
But your heart and mind don't buy it.
I don't want to hurt her, yet I don't want her to hate me,
Even though it's very clear to see,

That me and you are meant to be,
Our silent talk explains so much,
Yet it misses a tender touch,
They all tell me that one day you will deceive,
And that's a fact that my heart can't believe.

I feel that we are very close,
But I don't want to live in a world of suppose.
You either tell her or you tell me,
But don't play that you don't know who you want to be,

As it's very clear for the naked eye to see,
That only two out of three are really meant to be,
It will take time and I should wait,
But by then, I'm not sure if I will open my gate,
So believe in fate, but make sure you're not too late!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Wow thats sooo beautiful... luvvvvv the ending

  • 17 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    Wow thats sooo beautiful... luvvvvv the ending