• 17 years ago

    by she

    Oh i luv this can relate,very sad,but good

  • 17 years ago

    by Jaime

    I would advise the use of punctuation, but other than that I loved the emotion in this. Very strong, very meaningful.

  • Wow shows alot of emotion i give you hope that your family can find a way to exept you i hate how some family just sorta push away unstead of helping it isn't rite at all nice poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago


    I have to go to my next class ill see if i can chat then. and thanx for caring

  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    I loved this poem. It's so full of sadness and the flow was immaculate. You used beautiful imagery also. There is a few errors that need fixing though. In the fourth line you say:

    making her face her face look a rosy pink

    You should remove "her face" once.

    In the 10th line the word cant should have an apostrophe in it behind. It should be can't instead of cant. In the 12th line *mabey* is misspelled it should be spelled *maybe*. Also in the following line *whats* should also have an apostrophe in it. It should be *what's* instead of *whats*. In the 15th line the word cant once again needs an apostrophe, *can't*. Finally in the 17th line there should be a space between tree and until. Other than that it only needs punctuation and it will be perfect. Overall with these few minor mistakes this is still a fantastic poem; and still worthy of a 5. Keep up the great work.


  • 17 years ago

    by ILoveRobbie

    Your poems sound alot like some of mine. I like this poem.