God vs. the Devil

by Maxi Mutilation   Feb 4, 2008

God goes numb,
as the devil wins the battle,
i will tell you what happened,
just keep your butt in the saddle.

the story is plotted,
millions of years ago,
it was a war between the devil and God,
and this is how it goes.

in a dark unknown world,
the lord fights the devil,
he drew out his sword,
taking things to the next level.

the devil fights back,
with his shield of fear,
he takes out his dagger,
and slices off Gods ear.

God can hear no more prays,
he can only watch his people die,
the devil chops off his wings,
he is unable to fly.

god is falling to the floor,
as the devil pushes him down,
and strips him of his pride and faith,
by stealing his golden crown.

the devil sends God down to earth,
to become a human being,
as God stands up, he takes a look around,
and hates what he is seeing.

he's digging his grave
he's digging it deep,
he hates what he has created,
he's lying in his grave, dying asleep.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    I Loved it. This doesn't sound impossible though. No one ever knows the truths of anything anymore... =[

  • 17 years ago

    by cuddelyxbutxviciousXxX

    Ummm.....wow, ive never heard nething like that b4, but i liked it. so keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Amanda

    The beginning could use something more, but I like that poem! imagine if something like that were true? excellent job.