Spoken Truth

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Feb 4, 2008

I love him
&& thats what scares me

Ive fallen so deep..
..I put him above everything in my life
&& him walking away would kill me

This scares me because..Nothing lasts forever..there comes a point when things end...
&& I just cant bare knowing we wont always have that special touch
Or we wont always know what to say
I'm just scared the love he has for me will go away...

We are young
&& they say as people get older they change
...Thats hard for me because I know him inside and out && just the thought of change....makes me cry
He already says I've changed and he misses the old me...But I tried soo soo hard to be all he needed.
Maybe being me is what he needs.

I just need him in my life.....I've lost him once...but losing him again would turn my world upside down and I cant live without him

We have been through it all...
Ive seen his tears and he has seen mine
..We have that bond && are so inseperable..
I just dont want it to end...

am I the only one who feels this way...??


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by MeltInHisArms

    No ur not the only 1 who feels that way. we all have people we just can't afford 2 lose :)

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    This is sad, i like the first line alot