A DROP OF SUN. Memories

by Lizaveta   Feb 4, 2008

When you hold my hand
We walk down the seacoast
Barefoot, on sand
A drop of sun falls into my soul

When you hold my hand
And look into my eyes
It's time I realize
A drop of rain fall into my soul

When you hold my hand
Feels we can easily fly
In your strong arms
A drop of sun falls into my soul

That is the way
it used to be
But now that you're far away
From me:

When you hold my hand,
I am so happy for a min
But I know it's just a dream
About the drop of sun falling into my soul.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Boy

    Its such a romantic poem....... and itssuch a unique idea.. a drop of sun in your soul.... i like the way you have expressed your words.... so touchy writing you have put here...

    i think you can write very well love poems... its such an amazing poem... and its so good. to who we love they are with us for stay forever...

    if you find that person then never leave us.. and hold his hand.. cuz that person is your evrything.. to who u love and specially who loves you..

    excelletn piece of work....
    i really appriciate your work.. its so good specially i like the words you have used in your words.. a perfect match of words according to your idea and title of the poem....

    you got 5

  • 17 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Nice poem... good work...
    anyway, what you mean with A drop of sun...

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    This is very good. I like the feeling and the thoughts. I can def relate to it...good job....5/5....xoxo

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    "A drop of sun falls into my soul"

    ^ I love this line! & I love how you repeated it at the end of each stanza. It added a little something extra to the poem. The flow was flawless, and the emotions were intense. Beautiful job! :} Overall: 5.5

    - Steph.

  • 17 years ago

    by ShawdowDancer

    I loved this poem so much you write so good