Fake Touch

by snezana   Feb 5, 2008

What words can I say?
That will be just as true,
As true as my feelings,
Deep feelings for you...

How do I make sense?
Cos that's not what love's about
been told to look back,
I just can't seem to turn around.

Do you truly love me?
Or am I asking for too much?
Why do you break my heart
With every single touch?

Now is it me? or is it you?
That makes me feel this way,
What really made me think
That love would be OK?

Do I leave you now?
Or do I keep holding on?
To love that isn't true?
To love that is gone?


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  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Liked your style and how you asked these questions

    good job