A trying, depressed toothfairy

by Bekka Smekka   Feb 5, 2008

*Yes this poem is a little lame, but i wrote it for my cousin lol who's only 5 so i thought it would be nice to put it up for him. This is for you Jack, sweetie!!*

How many children can loose
a tooth in a year.
What if i don't visit them all,
that is my biggest fear.

Just because i'm the tooth fairy,
doesn't mean i'm fast.
I don't have wings or fly,
thats a joke from my past.

So i creep into the house,
so i don't give a fright.
I take a childs tooth,
in the middle of the night.

But before i leave,
i say a prayer.
And under the pillow,
i leave something there.

I leave a gift,
of happiness and joy.
A special present,
for a girl or a boy.

So when they wake,
and open their eyes.
They look under their pillow,
and get a surprise.

But i'm the tooth fairy,
and i get sad sometimes.
I sad little songs,
and write sad little rhymes.

I rush around all night,
so i don't get much rest.
But if jacki boy your good,
i will do my best.

if you're wondering i was acting the tooth fairy for my cousin lol please r.r.c!!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Dennis

    Hahaha this was a cute one.
    I liked it! =)

  • 16 years ago

    by Sazzie

    I loved your poem its so sweet!!
    keep writing =]

    btw thanks for commenting my poem =]

  • 17 years ago

    by dimitRAHH

    Aww thats so cute!
    i hope your little cousin liked it=]