
by SimoneMichelle   Feb 5, 2008

So here it goes.
ill try my best.
to write about our
friendships mess.

grown so close.
then drawn apart.
was so far away.
but shared one heart;

so heres the part
i hate to say.
how its my fault that
were not so close these days

Fights, Memories,
Laughs & more.
All these things got,
thrown out the door.

locking the door.
hiding the key,
we'll never be as close
as we used to be.

though all the memories
still remain.
and all i do
is gain the pain.

i miss those days
we were so close.
drifted far apart.
for the best i spose?

the memories ill cherish
deep inside my heart.
no longer bestest friends
welcome to a new start

erase the pain.
lets start off fresh.
hand in hand.
friends are the best =)

Simone Craig;;Chelsea Smith.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Thats a dainty wee poem :] i liked it