How sad/hard is it?

by December   Feb 5, 2008

It's so hard..
It's so wrong..
I know that i love him and
I know that he loves me back.
Yet our dream is still..
A dream..

How sad is it
To have the love of your life
(and yes, you really do love him)
Living so far away?
And how sad is it
That it's been like that
Since the very first day.

You've never really met him,
Yet you feel like you've known him all along.
How sad is it?!
It's all just so wrong.

I feel so broken inside..
My heart bleeds.. so intense..
How sad, how hard is this?!
It just doesn't make sense..


I'm so.. :(


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  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy Miller

    I love this piece, and i keep it in my favorities,to just remind me....
    Thank you for the nice comment on mine, and yes its true.

    Good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy Wells

    Well done another brillaint poem. i met a guy from the net last year and i was totally inlove with him but he lived miles away from me it broke my heart but luckily we did get to meet in the end i hope your situation worksout gud luck :) xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    5/5 i loved it! that is such a terrible situation :/ but the poem is amazing..