
by XxBrokenInsidexX   Feb 5, 2008

I sat up all night
Thinking about you
Wondering if your alright

Times are getting rough
You ran away a few times
Your parents are putting you down, and you have had enough

They forbid you to go out and to talk on the phone
So when Valentines day comes
I'll be left all alone

I wont feel your warm skin around me tight
I wont be able to tell you I love you
or kiss you and assure you everything will be alright

We will be left by the simple phone call
......Not a gift to give
while I see me friends smothered in love and treated like porcelain dolls

Alone on that one night
I should be sharing with you, the one I love

But hay what can I do
Your the one who decided to be stupid and get in trouble
...I just couldn't stop you

......There I'll be laying Valentines night
Alone crying
Wanting to be by your side...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dragon Slayer

    Wow. this is a poem that is so very true