I Dream of You (edited 2-7-08)

by Jason   Feb 5, 2008

I am dreaming of your full-figured beauty,
You greet me with a huge kiss.
I'm dreaming of you sitting next to me on a couch,
I ask: "How did your day at work go, sweetie?"

I'm dreaming of you giving me a motorcycle ride in the warm spring.
You look gorgeous with a leather jacket and shades on.
I say: "I don't have a helmet."
You tell me to turn around and I grab the black helmet on the chair.

I'm dreaming of you giving me huge kisses,
The best kisses I have ever received in my whole life.
I'm dreaming of returning the favor.
By offering you some expanded love in a queen-sized bed.

I can dream about you all day and all night.
I know dreams are not the real thing.
That's cool with me.
Because dreaming of you allows me to think positive at all times.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    This was very beautiful Jason. You really did a great job here. There were only a few minor details that need a patching up. For example, the third stanza second line you wrote:

    The best kisses I ever received in my whole life.

    Instead of a single I after kisses it should have been "I've".

    Also, in the first stanza second and fourth line, and the second stanza second line you don't need the use of the word "And". The "But" from the second stanza fourth line can also be removed. The reason I say this because it seems to mess up the flow. It takes away from the beauty of the poem. Other than that I think you have did a great job. Keep up the good work!
