My Life

by Sad and Alone   Feb 6, 2008

Isn't it conspicuous,
I'm also looking for proof,
Proof that will tell you
Proof that I'll show you.

It seems to be corny somehow;
Looking for some way, anyhow.
I guess no left for self like trust,
But ways I saw from you - it must!

We've shared memories for years,
Should have showed you my feelings.
Want to tell you in ways such hoax,
But I doubt you will laugh, I croak.

But what had happen,
Fate had just twisted,
How a sin is suddenly committed
For you its hard to me be forgiven.

I'm sorry, I really meant it.
Stop your punishment, I beg of it.
If you cannot see and yet you doubted
I'm in torment, I truly repent.

And if you still not feel it,
I don't blame you, I'll just wait.
By this poem - my way to reach you
I'm wretched, I'm sorry, I want you to know.

I hope you will accept,
But I wonder, I don't expect.
Oh friend, I prayed, I wish, I hope
God knows, you'e special, coz you are my life.

How dread to think, my reality life begins at the start,
To when I'm believing, happiness just in fairy tales can last;
And how sad I am, my fantasy life begins right now,
Dreaming I'm doing, a friend to be - to my life - again...

(composed on: June 4, 1999 during the second time of me and my friends trouble)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sad and Alone

    Thanks a lot!

  • 17 years ago

    by elwood

    Beautiful poem. i absolutely adore it