Never Say Goodbye Again

by Poetic Ninja aka Papachopchop   Feb 6, 2008

How will I be remembered,
After I expire,
Within the memories,
Of those I admire?

How will I be remembered,
A saint or a sinner,
A strong man of courage,
Or just another quitter?

Will they think of me smart,
For learning from my mistakes,
Or think of me to be a sell out,
Or just another fake?

Will they know my struggles,
Of how I became a man,
That I turned and faced my problems,
And how I took a stand?

To all of my friends,
I know this much is true,
Thank you for sticking by me,
I will never forget you.

Although I am gone,
I wish to say to my friends,
At least we will never,
Have to say goodbye again.


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  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Wow.. i am so amazed!
    that was a beautiful poem, i really liked it!
    i am going to add it to my favorites(:

  • 17 years ago

    by erin girl

    This poem speaks the truth. I love how it flowed so nicely. Keep up the good work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Letty

    This is so beautiful...It's also very touching. Everything about this poem is just perfect to me. I am giving my honest critique here. You used wonderful imagery. The flow was flawless and it rhymed perfectly. I love this poem. I could actually picture it in my mind. You have a wonderful talent. I am sorry that it took me so long to read some of your work. Keep up the great writing. You're awesome!


  • 17 years ago

    by Teria

    I have to disagree.
    The poem is great.
    Flawless, actually.
    But, if you leave and we don't then we have to have closure, which mean's saying goodbye.

    And, you'll be remembered as mr. amazing, of course. xD
    Seriously, you will. :]