How many more dog tags
Are left to retrieve...
Wait! Can such dark thoughts...
To those I know...
I see you slip without a cause...
No matter what decision in your life
You always think a bit...
This...might not be done...might finish it later.
Who does not but sit in oblivion...
On Wednesday, April 13, 2005, our beloved...
From Leila, age 15...
The tree, it fell on all the people
Holding the young below them...
My real name I shall not concede.
This is the rule which I must heed...
In grade five there was Serenity
He liked her; she liked him...
Part 1-->Anytime
Life begins to show once more...
What is there for me to do?
I can't compare myself to you...
I lie in wait below unseeing air
Turbulent still since the brightest one fell...