As her eyes turned red,
and bloody murder screams faded...
As the sun sets on another day,
I lay on my bed...
Passionate voice calm her to sleep,
as heart beats running through her chest...
Paint on that facade, babe.
Let me see those insecurities...
This pain won't end.
This hell is real...
Everyone's tears fell that day,
the day she disappeared...
Darling I know everything seems hopeless,
but my shoulder is yours to cry on...
The Master always holding her strings.
He played with her...
Erase my tears,
and living without fears...
Daddy when I was little,
I use to fall asleep in your arms...
I don't want to be cute,
I want to be beautiful...
Typical fairy tale girl meets boy and they fall in...
But this is a fairy tale with twists...