I've cried over what is being said
You'll never know how many blood,sweat and tears I...
Accept me for how I am
I'm not looking for a sham of a best friend...
I can't believe how i messed up my life
Now I walk around all depressed...
I'll never let you go
No matter how hard you pull away...
I'm sorry for the way i made you feel
Broke your heart with no time to heal...
Friends forever or so I thought
Rumors are the reason why fought...
Rumors are like tumors on the brain
Poisoning your every thought...
You would never say it to my face
But secretly I knew your answer would displace my...
You say you don't love me
You say you don't care...
I can't stop thinking of you
If you only knew your true feeling...
Why did we have to say goodbye?
Why did you have to die in my arms...
I hold in my hand
All my responsibilities...