"oh isn't it a great feeling to be with each...
ouch, wait hold on, oh, wait, what is this...
Afraid to sleep, because when i wake up i weep
your in my dreams and it hurts me when your not...
As i peer harder into the day, i see i am once...
after all that i have felt for you, after all the...
We go on just friends, act like our past was never...
Cutting my wrist would make me laugh to this new...
a stab in the back would tickle from satisfaction...
When did a women become another picture to stare...
when did the perfect girl become the one with out...
Let me sleep longer as dreams embrace my heart
wishing this never ended from when it had start...
My eyes open, as my heart beats faster to wake me...
i search for your face, or was it only a dream...
Every second every minute of every day is every...
when every i am near you, every muscle in my body...
Is there a reason why i am classified as a...
or why just because you wear to much black, your...
I have never taken a swing at someone
i have never kissed a girl, gone on a date or even...
When will it end, when will this all of this just...
time is not going to last forever, today seems...