What if that guy is the best i can do
but if not him then who...
Ever day she looks at him for a smile
but she hasn't seen him for a while...
Lonely nights
hard core fights...
Dark circles under her eyes
after all these tears she cried...
All the tears i cry wont
bringyou back, because...
Everyone expected us to happen
but no one expected this to happen...
I love you with every piece of my heart
and i hate it when we are apart...
She feels like she is all alone,
nobody wants her at school or home...
Everyone expected us to happen
but no one expected dis to happen...
This is a poem that doesn't rhyme but i just...
i loved you even though i thought i was over you...
I thought everything had changfed but i guess i...
i was happy everything was going so well...
She puts a smile on her face like everything is OK
but deep down everything isn't OK...