Sufro tanto al no poder tenerte
Pero me siento mejor al verte...
He Crushed My Spirit
WhEn hE brOkE mY hEart...
Please don´t do this
Don´t breake my heart in two...
How can someone my age deal with so many problems
My parents argue like theres no tomorrow...
I fell in love with you
From the minute I saw that look...
You make me cry
not because you hurt me...
Ever since you been flirting with me
My feelings have changed...
Te has preguntado alguna ves
El porque te quiero tanto...
Have you asked yourself
why I care so much for you...
Dis isnt really a poem but i needed 2 get dis off...
so many feelings i have for you going one way and...
Junto a ti cada momento, yo quisiera detenerlo,
y escribir sobre tu cuerpo, con cada beso, cuanto...
Quiero decirte tantas cosas
Pero no se donde comensar...