SoMeDaY wHeN yOu ArE wOnDeRiNg If YoU wiLl EvEr FiNd SoMeOnE wHo wiLL ReaLLy LoVe U.. yOu' LL LoOk BaCk At Me AnD yOu'LL rEaLiZe i DiD aNd ThAtS tHe DaY yOu wiLL ReGrEt WaLkinG aWaY fRoM mE |
Walking away isn’t the hard part..its knowing you wont come running after me is wat hurts me the most |
*Star light...Star bright...Why´d my mister right have to leave tonight!? |
I'll walk away, and he won't even notice. |
"How can you get to your future, if your past is present?" |
Dame una señal un minuto mas para conversar, dame tan solo una oportunidad, para poderte enamorar. |
I think its time I let you go, and thats so hard to do becuz part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life, but its time i started saying goodbye. |
If you cry becuz the sun has gone, your tearz will prevent you from seeing the starz at night.. |
Nunka supe yo hacia donde ir |
Por mas que lo pienso no comprendo |