As mY sKin kiSsEs thE blAdE dEEpEr ~n~ dEEpEr int0 dEAth i bEgAn t0 phAdE |
Y0u sAid y0u l0vEd mE bUt y0u chEAtEd h0w c0uld y0u d0 iT? i mAy nEvEr gEt 0vEr thiS bUt i wiLl gEt thr0ugh iT desiree rose |
I wAnt y0u t0 kn0w thAt eVeytiMe i criEd wAsnt bEcAusE y0u hUrt mE it wAS thE fAct thAt i l0vED y0u wiTh alL thAt i aM aNd thAt i knEw s00nEr 0r lAtEr it w0uld End |
DEath bEhinD thEse eyEs hAte bEhind theSe criEs bl00d nExt t0 mE wErE my b0dy liEs |
Sitting in a r00m heart c0ld as ice |
ItS fUnny h0w thE thiNgs y0u d0nt d0 hUrtS mE s0 bAdly |
When i have problems i lean on my trust worthy friend i pick up my knife ~N~ cut deeper~N~deeper into my skin |
L00king at y0u l00king At her fr0m A distAnce i hAve A l0ve s0 deep f0r y0u but y0u d0nt even kn0w my exsistence |
Itz kind of scary because the happiest part of my day is to hear him say hello because thats the start of or conversation and the saddest part is to hear him say goodbye |
Heart broken im lying on the floor telling the pain to kill me cause i cant take it anymore |