Nothing's going my way and my fuse is running low,
A little selfish maybe but the anger only grows...
An Armour to shield the loneliness...
Never have I endured such a pain,
Where it has made me feel this sick...
The tears fall so hard,
and my heart beats so fast...
A night I can never forget.
Happening to me right now...
The tears that prick her eyes,
Never differ from the prick of a rose...
From your womb I came,
In a terrible family rut...
You are my smile in which my lips form,
The feeling which makes me glow...
I can't begin to thank you enough, for all you do...
It's hard enough trying to say what I want in a...
I always thought love was supposed to be amazing
because that's what you're bought up to think...
I will pretend that I don't know,
For the sake of my heart not being torn...
Things left half forgotten,
Which I quite never said...