This problem has turned into a mess
I really want to confess...
There was a boy in my life I couldn't get out
he was all I would ever think about...
My friend Diana is so sweet
I want to find her a good boy to meet...
When you fall in love
that person is all you think of...
My best friend gets beated by her dad
everyday I see her more and more sad...
I love my sisters beautiful curls
she is such a sweet little girl...
Me and my brother don't get along
I make him feel like he doesn't belong...
You are such a hipocrit
putting me through all this shit...
I love you with all my might
Baby boy was my love right...
My most memorable thing
was when you gave me...
Your love and my love is something from the past
what you did...
You are such a great friend I found
although I know you get around...