ReMiNiScIn On ThE PaSt ReAsSUrEs YoU FoReVeR WiLl NeVeR LaSt |
I never wanted a child i never like kids now im sitting here at 15 and expecting his .... |
Im so scared of time its going to take you away without even giving me a chance to make you mine |
I have never understood why a man always chooses to rape when they could go get a hooker and it being less of a mistake |
Friends are like glue help put the pieces back together when they start to fall apart |
Never love one with a girlfriend cause no matter what to him he will always just remain your friend |
I thought she was real |
TrUtH Iz YoUr GuRl WiLl NeVeR PuT YoU BeFoRe HeR MaN |
Sometimes you just have to let go of the people you love |
The only thing harder than walking away is letting go |