Guys are like pieces of gum, then they lose they're flavor you pop in a new one |
To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world |
Don't say you love me unless you really mean it because i might act like a fool and believe it |
Whats better, a lie that draws a smile, or the truth that draws a tear |
A kiss blown is a kiss wasted but the only real kind of kiss is the one thats tasted |
Boys never give their hearts away they play us girls for fools then the wait until they have our hearts then they play it cool |
You might regret what you do but you'll regret what you dont do so much more |
To say you will love someone forever is like sayin one candle will burn constally for all of your life |
The Next Time You Think You're Perfect, Try Walking On Water |
The opposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive drug out there, but the high is unlike anything else |