
About Eden

Hello, my name is Eden. I am gothic and I also love to write poetry. In my spare time I like to read anything. I prefer knowledge over pretty much everything. I am into blood and pain and all that fun stuff, and I love wolves, snakes and salamanders. I have my own dagger collection, too. They are so beautiful. If only someone hadn't taken them all...
The thing I hate most is a close-minded person who will not listen to reason. To be close-minded is to invite stupidity. It's a neverending cycle...and a very bad thing. Well...gonna go write me some poems. Tata.
Eden, The Sonnet of Time
PS...Oh yeah...And of course there is the issue of commenting...I'd like to know if there are any ways I can improve my poetry skills. If you have any thoughts...positive or negative...they would be greatly appreciated. In turn I shall return the favor, of course.
Copyright © Eden
If you want to learn more about who I am...here are a couple sites that have my profile on them...hope they are to your liking...

Profile of Eden

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Virginia
  • Joined : Mar 30, 2005
  • Last Visit : 8 years ago
  • Poems : 261
  • Comments : 123
  • Quotes : 44
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Eden

  • I think of all the words I wrote
    And wonder where I was...

  • One minute you are happy
    And in this blind ecstacy you ignore your...

  • A solemn twist of fate wrenches my life away. No...
    So bright; I can barely see. I don't want this...

  • Crystal Depths calling me
    Glowing auras I can see...

  • A black wraith so gentle as it sifts through time...
    The hems of its robes dark brown with coagulated...

Latest Quotes By Eden

  • "An invitation to you to be stupid is an invitation to me for you to die."


    19 years ago
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  • I had complaints on my LaVey quote.Just bcuz I posted it doesnt mean I thought it was real. I put it up bcuz it was cute, not bcuz I thought there was truth 2 it. To all who have issues with my Anton LaVey quote, broaden your horizons & live a little

    19 years ago
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  • ...people are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them like that."

    (continued from one below)

    19 years ago
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