The worst thing in life is to lose a friend, a friend who meant the world to you! ______(name) plz 4give me for wat i did wrong!! |
Stop tryin 2 find the right person BE the right person!!! |
Don't turn away |
They say you have two heart's one in ur chest and the other in your stomach....does the one in your stomach get broken to? |
DO NOT DISTRUB (disturbed enough lately) |
Have you ever seen a physic win lotto? |
In the mirror is wear she cums,Face2face wit her fears,Her own reflction,Wat iz it in us that maks us feel,The need2keep pretendn |
*~In My Dreams Im Dying All The Time~* |
*~Let Everyday be a dream we can touch...Let everyday be love you can feel...Let everyday be a reason to live~* |
*~Love All Of Your Friends Cuz You'll Neva No Whos Gonna Go First~* |