Quotes by black keys

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  • ~*:you said we were better off as friends,
    you said that you didn't want friends 2 end
    but if a friend you dont want to lose,
    then why is it mine and your best friend you choose?:*~

    19 years ago
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  • :*~guyz r like puppies. when they're little, they are cute and energetic. when they get old, they're lazy, perverted and all they do is check out girls that are years younger than them.~*:

    19 years ago
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  • Your a friend and i am too
    but i have always thought more of u

    19 years ago
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  • You thought you would come here and break my heart,
    you thought you break me all apart.
    well i've been in on your game,
    i've know all along tht you are lame
    so it looks like i was on 2 u
    and now it's ME steppin out on YOU

    19 years ago
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  • As long as the sun will shine,
    as long as this life is mine,
    Until forever ends,
    you will always be my best friends.

    19 years ago
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  • Every night, people look up at the stars and admire them as they shine, but only real champions climb a mountain to reach for one.

    19 years ago
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  • Now i leave you, i fear where i go. i don't know a person, my hatred will show. i cant leave you back here, i'm just not the same. i just hope that you won't forget me and my name...

    19 years ago
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  • :_~why do friends fight so much? why do they say the meanest things about each other or the things they mite do or have done? why? because they CARE and they don't wanna see you get hurt.~_:

    19 years ago
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  • So you say that you're my friend?
    and yet, they say that you're not..

    i think i'm gonna go with them

    19 years ago
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  • If you're suddenly my best friend..
    why won't you ever believe me??

    19 years ago
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