Friends teach us what we want to know. |
"In a game of conquest, who cares about the pawns if the King still reigns?" |
Change your mind, or I'll change it for you. |
Hope is like the sea: deep, endless, and unforgiving. |
"The Pool Of Knowledge has all the answers, especially NO." |
"Wisdom is not counting all the drops of water in a waterfall. Wisdom is learning why the water seeks the earth." |
"I would never have believed that on a world with four suns there could exist a place so dark." |
If it is weak, either kill it, or ignore it. Anything else would give it honor. |
My soul feels empty though it never is,because I am filled with an everburning rage that consumes everything inside. Once all inside is gone, it shall turn upon me. |
The weight of Death presses in upon me, but it hasn't crushed me yet. |